Units documentation



This unit implements CLX graphic functions and standard message dialog, the dialog buttons are automatically translated to user locale language.

Components and classes

Name Base class Description
TFRpMessageDlg TForm Standard message dialog
TRpNodeInfo TObject Contains data about a report inside a treeview


Declaration Description
function RpMessageBox (const Text: WideString; const Caption: WideString = ''; Buttons: TMessageButtons = [smbOK]; Style: TMessageStyle = smsInformation; Default: TMessageButton = smbOK; Escape: TMessageButton = smbCancel): TMessageButton; Function replacing Application.MessageBox
function RpInputBox (const ACaption, APrompt, ADefault:WideString ):WideString; A replacement for Application.InputBox
procedure FillTreeView (ATree:TTreeView;alist:TStringList); Function to fill a treeview based on a string list
function GetFullFileName (ANode:TTreeNode;dirseparator:char):String; Gets the full filename based on a node with parents
procedure DrawGrid (Canvas:TCanvas; XWidth, XHeight, PixelsWidth, PixelsHeight:integer; Color:TColor;lines:boolean; XOffset,YOffset:integer); Draws a grid
function twipstopixels (ATwips:integer):integer; Conversion routines
function pixelstotwips (apixels:integer):integer; Conversion routines
function FontStyleToInteger (fontstyle:TFontStyles):integer; Conversion routines
function IntegerToFontStyle (intfontstyle:integer):TFontStyles; Conversion routines
function IntegerFontStyleToString (intfontstyle:integer):String; Conversion routines
function AlignToGrid (Value:integer;scale:integer):integer; Alignment
function AlignToGridPixels (Value:integer;scaletwips:integer):integer; Alignment
procedure LoadQtTranslator; If you have the Qt .qm files for the user locale you can use this function to load qt library resource strings