Units documentation



This unit implements TRpChart, a print component to draw charts.


Name Description

Enumeration (rpchartdriverdefault,rpchartdriverengine,rpchartdriverteechart)

Driver to perform the print, the engine driver is very simple, the defaul driver depends in compilation options, gets always the best chart driver.


Enumeration (rpchartline,rpchartbar,rpchartpoint, rpcharthorzbar,rpchartarea,rpchartpie,rpchartarrow, rpchartbubble,rpchartgantt)

Chart type, not all chart drivers supports all chart types, most powerful driver is TeeChart.


Enumeration (rpMultiNone,rpMultiside,rpMultiStacked, rpMultiStacked100)

When the chart type is bar, the different series may be drawn, side, stacked...

Components and classes

Name Base class Description
TRpSeriesItem TCollectionItem This is a item containing all the values (and labels for this values) for one serie
TRpSeries TCollection Collection of series, this contains all the values needed to draw the chart
TRpChart TRpCommonPosComponent TRpChart implementation