Report Manager Documentation


The properties of the PreviewMetaFile class are listed below. For a complete list of PreviewMetaFile class members, see the PreviewMetaFile Members topic.

Public Instance Properties

AccessibilityObject (inherited from Control)
AccessibleDefaultActionDescription (inherited from Control)
AccessibleDescription (inherited from Control)
AccessibleName (inherited from Control)
AccessibleRole (inherited from Control)
AllowDrop (inherited from Control)
Anchor (inherited from Control)
AutoScroll (inherited from ScrollableControl)
AutoScrollMargin (inherited from ScrollableControl)
AutoScrollMinSize (inherited from ScrollableControl)
AutoScrollPosition (inherited from ScrollableControl)
BackColor (inherited from Control)
BackgroundImage (inherited from Control)
BindingContext (inherited from Control)
Bottom (inherited from Control)
Bounds (inherited from Control)
CanFocus (inherited from Control)
CanSelect (inherited from Control)
Capture (inherited from Control)
CausesValidation (inherited from Control)
ClientRectangle (inherited from Control)
ClientSize (inherited from Control)
CompanyName (inherited from Control)
Container (inherited from Component)
ContainsFocus (inherited from Control)
ContextMenu (inherited from Control)
Controls (inherited from Control)
Created (inherited from Control)
Cursor (inherited from Control)
DataBindings (inherited from Control)
DisplayRectangle (inherited from ScrollableControl)
Disposing (inherited from Control)
Dock (inherited from Control)
DockPadding (inherited from ScrollableControl)
Enabled (inherited from Control)
Focused (inherited from Control)
Font (inherited from Control)
ForeColor (inherited from Control)
Handle (inherited from Control)
HasChildren (inherited from Control)
Height (inherited from Control)
ImeMode (inherited from Control)
InvokeRequired (inherited from Control)
IsAccessible (inherited from Control)
IsDisposed (inherited from Control)
IsHandleCreated (inherited from Control)
Left (inherited from Control)
Location (inherited from Control)
Name (inherited from Control)
Parent (inherited from Control)
ProductName (inherited from Control)
ProductVersion (inherited from Control)
RecreatingHandle (inherited from Control)
Region (inherited from Control)
Right (inherited from Control)
RightToLeft (inherited from Control)
Site (inherited from Control)
Size (inherited from Control)
TabIndex (inherited from Control)
TabStop (inherited from Control)
Tag (inherited from Control)
Text (inherited from Control)
Top (inherited from Control)
TopLevelControl (inherited from Control)
Visible (inherited from Control)
Width (inherited from Control)
WindowTarget (inherited from Control)

Protected Instance Properties

CreateParams (inherited from ScrollableControl)
DefaultImeMode (inherited from Control)
DefaultSize (inherited from Control)
DesignMode (inherited from Component)
Events (inherited from Component)
FontHeight (inherited from Control)
HScroll (inherited from ScrollableControl)
RenderRightToLeft (inherited from Control)
ResizeRedraw (inherited from Control)
ShowFocusCues (inherited from Control)
ShowKeyboardCues (inherited from Control)
VScroll (inherited from ScrollableControl)

See Also

PreviewMetaFile Class | Reportman.Drawing.Forms Namespace