Report Manager Documentation

Report Members

Report overview

Public Instance Constructors

Report Constructor Initializes a new instance of the Report class.

Public Instance Fields

ActionAfter (inherited from BaseReport)
ActionBefore (inherited from BaseReport)
Alignment (inherited from BaseReport)
AsyncExecution (inherited from BaseReport)
BackColor (inherited from BaseReport)
BottomMargin (inherited from BaseReport)
CollateCopies (inherited from BaseReport)
Components (inherited from BaseReport)
Copies (inherited from BaseReport)
CurrentOrientation (inherited from BaseReport)
CurrentSubReportIndex (inherited from BaseReport)
CustomPageHeight (inherited from BaseReport)
CustomPageWidth (inherited from BaseReport)
CutText (inherited from BaseReport)
DatabaseInfo (inherited from BaseReport)
DataInfo (inherited from BaseReport)
Duplex (inherited from BaseReport)
Evaluator (inherited from BaseReport)
FontColor (inherited from BaseReport)
FontRotation (inherited from BaseReport)
FontSize (inherited from BaseReport)
FontStyle (inherited from BaseReport)
ForcePaperName (inherited from BaseReport)
FreeSpace (inherited from BaseReport)
GridColor (inherited from BaseReport)
GridEnabled (inherited from BaseReport)
GridHeight (inherited from BaseReport)
GridLines (inherited from BaseReport)
GridVisible (inherited from BaseReport)
GridWidth (inherited from BaseReport)
InternalPageHeight (inherited from BaseReport)
InternalPageWidth (inherited from BaseReport)
LeftMargin (inherited from BaseReport)
LFontName (inherited from BaseReport)
LinesPerInch (inherited from BaseReport)
MultiPage (inherited from BaseReport)
PageBackColor (inherited from BaseReport)
PageDetail (inherited from BaseReport)
PageHeight (inherited from BaseReport)
PageNum (inherited from BaseReport)
PageNumGroup (inherited from BaseReport)
PageOrientation (inherited from BaseReport)
PageSize (inherited from BaseReport)
PageSizeIndex (inherited from BaseReport)
PageWidth (inherited from BaseReport)
PaperSource (inherited from BaseReport)
Params (inherited from BaseReport)
PreviewAbout (inherited from BaseReport)
PreviewMargins (inherited from BaseReport)
PreviewStyle (inherited from BaseReport)
PreviewWindow (inherited from BaseReport)
PrintedSomething (inherited from BaseReport)
PrinterFonts (inherited from BaseReport)
PrinterSelect (inherited from BaseReport)
PrintOnlyIfDataAvailable (inherited from BaseReport)
PrintStep (inherited from BaseReport)
RightMargin (inherited from BaseReport)
SingleLine (inherited from BaseReport)
StreamFormat (inherited from BaseReport)
SubReports (inherited from BaseReport)
TopMargin (inherited from BaseReport)
Transparent (inherited from BaseReport)
TwoPass (inherited from BaseReport)
Type1Font (inherited from BaseReport)
UpdatePageSize (inherited from BaseReport)
VAlignment (inherited from BaseReport)
WFontName (inherited from BaseReport)
WordWrap (inherited from BaseReport)

Public Instance Properties

Driver (inherited from BaseReport)
Language (inherited from BaseReport)
MetaFile (inherited from BaseReport)
RecordCount (inherited from BaseReport)

Public Instance Methods

AddComponent (inherited from BaseReport)
AddTotalPagesItem (inherited from BaseReport)
CreateNew (inherited from BaseReport)
EndPrint (inherited from BaseReport)
Equals (inherited from Object)
GetHashCode (inherited from Object)
GetType (inherited from Object)
InitEvaluator (inherited from BaseReport)
LoadFromFile (inherited from BaseReport)
LoadFromStream (inherited from BaseReport)Overloaded. �
PrintAll (inherited from BaseReport)
RemoveComponent (inherited from BaseReport)
RequestPage (inherited from BaseReport)
ToString (inherited from Object)

Public Instance Events

OnProgress (inherited from BaseReport)
OnWorkAsyncError (inherited from BaseReport)
OnWorkProgress (inherited from BaseReport)

Protected Instance Fields

asection (inherited from BaseReport)
CurrentSectionIndex (inherited from BaseReport)
ErrorProcessing (inherited from BaseReport)
EvalIdens (inherited from BaseReport)
FCompose (inherited from BaseReport)
FDataAlias (inherited from BaseReport)
FDriver (inherited from BaseReport)
FExecuting (inherited from BaseReport)
FGroupHeaders (inherited from BaseReport)
FRecordCount (inherited from BaseReport)
GFooters (inherited from BaseReport)
GHeaders (inherited from BaseReport)
havepagefooters (inherited from BaseReport)
LastErrorProcessing (inherited from BaseReport)
LastPage (inherited from BaseReport)
mmfirst (inherited from BaseReport)
mmlast (inherited from BaseReport)
oldprintedsection (inherited from BaseReport)
oldprintedsectionext (inherited from BaseReport)
oldsubreport (inherited from BaseReport)
pagefooterpos (inherited from BaseReport)
pagefooters (inherited from BaseReport)
pageposx (inherited from BaseReport)
pageposy (inherited from BaseReport)
pagespacex (inherited from BaseReport)
PendingSections (inherited from BaseReport)
printing (inherited from BaseReport)
section (inherited from BaseReport)
sectionext (inherited from BaseReport)
sectionextevaluated (inherited from BaseReport)
subreport (inherited from BaseReport)

Protected Instance Methods

ActivateDatasets (inherited from BaseReport)
CheckIfDataAvailable (inherited from BaseReport)
CheckProgress (inherited from BaseReport)
DeActivateDatasets (inherited from BaseReport)
FillGlobalHeaders (inherited from BaseReport)
Finalize (inherited from Object)
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)
PrepareParamsAfterOpen (inherited from BaseReport)
PrepareParamsBeforeOpen (inherited from BaseReport)
UpdateParamsAfterOpen (inherited from BaseReport)
UpdateParamsBeforeOpen (inherited from BaseReport)

See Also

Report Class | Reportman.Reporting Namespace